Are charter schools public schools?
Yes, charter schools are independently-operated, public schools. Charter schools provide a high-quality education option to public school students, upholding high standards that meet and often exceed the district and state metrics.
Will Instant Impact Global Preparatory Charter School have admission requirements?
No, charter schools do not have admission requirements or entrance exams. Though many charter schools are in high demand and when that demand exceeds the spaces available in the school, a charter school may hold a randomized, blind lottery to determine which students are admitted or may preference students by need or location.
Will the school charge tuition?
No, charter schools are tuition-free, public schools.
Does a charter school still teach my child all core courses like a traditional school would?
Yes, each charter school curriculum includes all traditional subject areas which adhere to the Common Core Standards.
Does my child have to have a certain academic level to be admitted into Instant Impact Global Prep school?
No, students are not tested to be admitted to a charter school. Instant Impact Global Prep will work with each student to provide the best educational experience and help all students grow and excel.
How does the charter application process work?
The process begins by completing and submitting the application for Instant Impact Global Preparatory School. There will be a lottery to determine the assignment of seats for each grade level. Once a grade levels number of seats have been assigned a waitlist will then be created for subsequent seats should a space in that grade level becomes available. Please see the Admissions and
Enrollment Manual for more details.
Is transportation provided?