Board Meeting

April 25, 2023



Location – Conference Call

  1. Call to Order
    1. Moment of Silence
    2. Roll Call
    3. Approval of Minutes
      1. March 28th
      2. Special Called Meeting -April 10th
    4. Approval of Agenda
  2. Public Comment
  3. Action Items
    1. Transportation Regulation Policy
    2. Bus Conduct Policy
    3. Field Trip Policy
    4. Fiscal Policy and Procedures Update
  4. Report Items
    1. Recruitment
      1. Acceptance Letters
      2. Social Media
      3. Counties
      4. Career Fair May 2, 2023
    2. Human Resource Update
    3. Facility Update
      1. Painting Project
      2. Rezoning
    4. CSP Update
    5. Board Training Update – June
    6. Advisory Board Members
    7. Committees -February
      1. Finance
      2. Program Development Committee
      3. Parent and Student Council
      4. Academic/Performance Committee
      5. Community and Partnerships
    8. Adjournment